Sunday, August 7, 2016

Give Away

This afternoon, Chris returned from the AEJMC 2016 Conference where he presented four papers and won a second place award in his category. I'm very proud of him!

I have not been nearly as productive as my husband. Instead, I have been resting this weekend, because I caught a heavy summer cold. Those three words sound ironic and witty, but they are the best description for what I'm experiencing. I took three naps yesterday.

We are moving closer and closer to our deadlines: several will soon arrive in rapid succession. I'm "behind" in nearly every area, in spite of steady effort. My next strategy is to remove things from my backpack (re: last week's post). No one likes it when I do this, including me.

Tonight I had a very encouraging thought: I can scarcely remember what I have eliminated in the past when I was pressed as I strained towards a goal. But I do recall the thrill of achievement in the end. This is precisely what lies at the heart of simplicity.

For true simplicity is restraint exercised for a purpose. When purpose drives restraint, and purpose is the focus, purpose is remembered. One of my favorite quotes about this is from Winston Churchill:
Why is it that the ship beats the waves when the waves are so many and the ship is one? The reason is that the ship has a purpose.
There is something more I should tell you. When I do this, when I let go of what I wanted to keep, so that I may reach for what God wants, he turns my sacrifices and reluctant restraint into joyous acts.  To give away for God's purpose is to celebrate him above other things.

In exchange for my small pieces of life, I receive overflowing joy and life so great that I cannot hold all of it. I know this. I have proved it, over and over. So let the giving away begin.

Click on the picture to enjoy the worship song, "Heroes," by Amanda Cook.

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